Continuity Nod: The Doctor tells Ace that the Brigadier once saw a triceratops in the London Underground. He also mentions again that Theta Sigma was his...
He sites a page that gives us a 404 error. Glancing through his words, he seems to willfully construe mountains being the homes of gods as...
Sexy Secretary: Miss Jones, the US Commissioner’s secretary, who is also a seemingly Dumb Blonde with a lisp. Shoot Out the Lock: Annie rescues Marshall out...
Rachel and Marion refuse to discuss the issue, saying that people who don’t want to join can leave. He is also associated with Team Four Star,...
Big Damn Heroes : Lots of examples involving Gene Hunt (and a few with the others) with one notable boat based example at the end of...
To shape young tastes toward seafood, at around one year of age gradually introduce tiny bits of salmon and tuna, perhaps camouflaged in a tuna or...
Batman gives a great one to Scarecrow in his last interview tape: Batman: You failed, Crane. Healing Factor: All heroes to a modest degree and depending...
The first is Tony Fonseca. He is head coach of the Canadian men’s U 23 side, a national team staff coach and someone who has experience...
Puzzle Boss: The Vorticon guarding the everclear in 1. In the anime, though, whenever Togepi used Metronome, you could count on something impressive (and usually explosive)...
Denser and Wackier: Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess versus Battle Chess. Freeze, the Terrific Trio, Armory and Starro all had sympathetic motives to their crimes. Breakable...