Bielefeld, Almanya, 3. Haziran 2021 – Hareket ve kontrol teknolojilerinde dünya lideri olan Parker Hannifin, makinelere ve tesislere yönelik mekanik...
Emperor and Galilean (1873): Considered to be Ibsen’s magnum opus. Long Runner: Considering most text based games died with the rise of MMOs, it has lasted...
In spite of this sordid backstory, the city of St. Augustine pulled out all the stops to mark the “discovery” of Florida, beginning with a reenactment...
That both make it clear they never existed in the “real” Doctor Who Expanded Universe in the first place: The Doctor Who New Adventures novel “Conundrum”...
Book Ends: “It all began with a stone.” and it ends in one too as the final story, Rhapsodies of Vana’diel, reaches its conclusion. The...
The problem is their attention spans are so short, all you have to do is break their line of vision. Dragon Ascendant: Buldont, who proves to...
Or it looks like you’ve lost.”. Among other things she misses her scheduled flight due to heavy drinking and punches her executive officer. When not slobbing...
Nathan Kelly1924 2015Nathan Conger “Sonny” Kelly, age 90, passed away 2 17 15 quietly from natural causes. He has flown the coop to soar on wings...
Mr. It also provides more opportunities for Ranma to perform incredible feats without an additional powerup. Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Ed Deapneau still loves his...
Nowadays the system is designed to verbally announce the distance to the ground as read by radio altimeter (normal altimeter shows altitude above mean sea level,...
Obligatory Joke: Anything beginning with “ex” is replaced with “eggs”, it’s rather eggshausting to read. The chapter titles are normally rubbish jokes and puns including “Bring...
There’s even a giant billboard right next to the building attempting to explain it:Billboard: “Dyke”, as in a natural or artificial embankment which regulates water levels....
Split Personality Takeover: Alice seems at times like she wants to do this, what with her “I’ll be around all the time” speech to Marshall in...
all pete murray’s civ descriptions so far Valentin replica In Revenge, however, Bison’s out to get his wallet back from the bears, so this time, he...
The Latin Junta: A Latin American military dictatorship forged out of the rebellion of several European Colonies. In Ghost in the Shell, Section 9 employee Togusa...
The ’90s were arguably the peak of their popularity, since EelST recorded in this period some of their best selling and most successful albums, and went...
Later, after he himself dies trying and failing to save his wife during a deadly trip along the rapids, their remains, upon recovery, are buried under...
Carmichael when he is “brought” to the house via paranormal phenomenon and made to witness the murder of the real Joseph Carmichael, immediately followed by a...
The character carries the pregnancy to term and gives birth successfully. However, she is unable (or unwilling) to raise the child herself and places it in...
Berserk has the Godhand, which are clearly inspired by Clive Barker’s Cenobites, and several of which have a pretty marked sexual sadist streak Slan, the Horny...
The “Pull the Knife Out” trophy further lampshades this. Life or Limb Decision: McNeill has to cut off his arm after it is pinned to the...